Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tazi Recommends: Five Words

Good Morning, Readers!

I hope your week has been as productive as mine! I spent my days napping, my nights prowling, and the in-between time playing a new game I discovered through the blog

Five Words
by Bill
What is Five Words, you ask? It is the blog I will be reviewing this week!

With all of the addicting but mind-numbing games out there on the Internet, this blog takes a simple concept - being concise - and turns it into an intellectually challenging game. Each week the author posts a new topic and readers must respond to the question posted in five words, no more and no less. It may not sound difficult, until you try it! Each week the most creative answer gets bragging rights as the winner!

The topic posted for this week is "Define the pitfalls of maturity". Can you do it in exactly five words? Remember, you have to be insightful and creative and/or humorous in order to be declared the winner! If this topic does not work for you, check out one from a few weeks ago: "Don't say to significant other". (The winning response was "I kinda miss my ex").

Five Words is funny, thought-provoking, and a great way to kill time while keeping your mind sharp. How it words is after reading the five word question (all of which are posted on the home page) you click on the comments section to leave your answer. You do not have to register for anything; the site accepts anonymous comments; but wouldn't you prefer to leave your name so the world may know your glory?

Right now, Five Words only appears to have about a dozen regular followers, based upon the number of comments on each post, and I would like to see that number increase - the more the merrier, right? Seriously, this blog is a lot of fun, does not take up a lot of your time, and is not likely to get you kicked off of an airplane. So take five minutes and check out Five Words! While you are there, you can check out my responses to the current questions being asked. What more could you want? Other than a nap in the sun, which is what I am off to do right now!


Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.