Sunday, September 14, 2014

Repost: Tazi's Corner #58 - In Praise Of Autumn

Dear Readers:

Today I am a sad kitty. Summer is officially over this week and autumn is here, which means my long naps in the summer sun are also at an end for another year and (since I live in New England) that dastardly white stuff that falls from the sky will soon be making its annual appearance! I decided to ask myself for some advice, since everyone tells me I give the best, and I told myself to make a list of all of the good things about autumn, like:

Hiding in the fallen leaves.

Surely nobody can find me in here, right?

My brother Koko always was better at hide 'n' seek

The smell of apple and spice scented candles. My Mommie single-handedly keeps Yankee Candle in business with the number of candles she buys, and each season must have its own scents. She finally managed to work her way through the summer scents – summer berries, ocean scents, and coconut oil – and has moved on to apples and spice, blackberry tart, and pumpkin.

Beer tastings. New England is home to several microbreweries, all with various seasonal ales – from Sam Adams Oktoberfest to the Woodstock Station’s Harvest Brew. Unlike the ubiquitous light, citrus-infused summer brews that flooded the marker this past season (Bud Lime-A-Rita, anyone?) autumn brews have a heavier and heartier flavor that leave even the uninitiated understanding why some people drink beer because they like the taste. From Newport, Rhode Island’s Newport Storm to Portsmouth, New Hampshire’s Smuttynose I can look forward to watching my loved ones (and my cousin, Rocky the boxer dog) enjoying a cold, crisp one. ( am a teetotaler!).

Hiking trails. Hiking is hard work that makes you humans sweat, so I can see why most of you avoid it during the heavy heat of the summer, but that sweat makes autumn the perfect time to explore the hiking trails in your area. I plan of sneaking off to work with my Mommie and exploring the trails of her state park, where plentiful bunches of wild grapes grow; apple trees offer their fruit for the plucking; and butterflies flit merrily back and forth across your path. I will leave the heavy hiking in the Berkshires to her and Daddy, although I might join them for a ghost tour through Haunted Providence or even Colonial Boston, so long as someone carries me the entire time! Cobblestone streets do not agree with my tender paws. 

Blankets, blankets, blankets (oh, and sweaters)! Who doesn’t love a soft, cuddly blanket? I have several placed around the house in my “Tazi spots” – under the end table, on the bed, behind the reclining chair... – but they are just too warm to snuggle into when the weather is hot! Now that autumn is here, I am ready for them! As far as I am concerned, a sweater is simply a wearable blanket!

Just please don’t make me wear one!

Halloween and Thanksgiving. Two holidays centered on food. How can you beat that?

What are some of your favorite things about autumn? Share them in the Comments section or tweet them @TaziKat! I really do want to know, so I can make my autumn the best that it can be!


Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with Bachelors degrees in Communications and in Gender and Women's Studies. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.

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