Today is a very exciting day in Tazi-Land – or, as others call it, that crawl space under the end table where Tazi likes to hide. To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to is what I say! I am too excited to argue about how one would describe my Kingdom, because today is the one year anniversary of my advice column!
Who would have thought that a two-week blogging assignment for Mommie’s Writing in Online Environments class would have spawned such fame for me, her little kitten? Aside from me, of course! However, even I am amazed at the success of my endeavor. I persuaded Mommie to continue the column after she started to receive real letters – feel free to send your own! My initial goal for year one was to receive 12,000 page views – an average of 1,000 per month. I thought it sounded ambitious enough – even for a cat – when something important happened: the shy teenage girl who lived next door to me started an international controversy.
Yes, Jessica Ahlquist of the Cranston prayer banner controversy was my next door neighbor – at least she was, until I moved down the street – which is one of the reasons I felt compelled to call people out on the hypocrisy of the threats of violence and death that were being made against this young woman, a pawn in someone else’s larger game of political chess. That desire to add my small voice to the large debate also gave my column world-wide exposure. The column I posted with regard to the matter – my first “Extra Edition” – was my most read column for eight months straight; my rant on payday advance loans recently knocked it from the top spot. The irony of all this is that I printed the original letter as an “Extra Edition” on a Thursday because I thought the whole situation would be blown over and forgotten by Monday. What does a little cat know? The controversy continues still, an entire school year later.
My column isn’t all about controversy, though; many of my most read letters have been about everyday problems – especially relationships between men and women, and problem behaviors that we are afraid to admit. My holiday columns on cultural traditions have also done quite well, so I will continue to have Mommie assist me with my research since you seem to like them so much (I do all the research myself, Mommie just supervises me on the Internet so I don’t look at inappropriate pictures of naked cats!).
For those of you who only recently started reading Ask Tazi to those of you who have been there from the very first column, I thank you for the amazing success you have brought me! As of today, I have over 20,000 page views and counting – almost double my original goal! While I mull over what my next goal should be (50,000 views? 100,000 views?) I will leave you all with TWO lists to celebrate this joyous occasion! The first is the list of my Top 5 Most Viewed Columns; the second is Tazi’s Top 5 Favorite Columns. Enjoy!
Tazi's Top 5 Most Viewed Columns
1. Tazi's Corner Issue #3: Thoughts On Payday Advance Lending Services
This is the column that unseated the prayer banner heard ‘round the world.
2. EXTRA EDITION: Prayer Banner In School A Hot Topic!
I hope this listing will not reignite the hate.
3. An Unmade Bed Leads To Larger Issues In This Marriage
You humans argue over the strangest things!
4. One Need not Be A Woman To Study Women's Studies
I was surprised at the success of this letter; I only printed it because Mommie is a Women’s Studies major.
5. Happy Sadie Hawkins’ Day
I was hoping Mommie would take a hint and ask my “Uncle” to marry her; she didn’t.
Do YOU have a favorite column of mine? Let me know in the comments section! Here are my favorites (so far!)
Tazi’s Top 5 Favorite Columns
1. Laws Of Physics Meet Laws Of Reality In An Unlikely Romance
This letter is special because – as Mommie’s friends correctly guessed – it was the first real letter she received (although not the first real letter printed; that honor went to Michael, the boy who wanted a puppy). Truth can be stranger than fiction!
2. "Diaper" wearing Mom Has Trouble Potty Training Daughter
This was a recent letter, but it is garnering quite a reader following! Who knew Depends could be so interesting?
3. Dad's Assistance With Haunted House Turns Into A Real Life Horror!
Another example of humans complicating things! When I want someone to leave me alone, I hide under the deck!
4. May-December Romance In Limbo As Paths Divide
I think this is the most self-centered, self-delusional letter I have ever received...well, maybe. This next one might top the list. (A Jitterbug phone as a form of child abuse?).
5. Follow-Up Letter: Tea-Partying Teenager Writes To Tell His Tale!
Any time I get a follow-up letter I purr with joy; but this one sent me over the edge. Happy Election Season, humans!
Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.
HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY TAZI!! I was in Florida celebrating your 1st year anniversary with Mickey and the Gang. They told me to say "HI". I am very proud of you and your column. You have come so far and I am very proud that you are becoming even more successful. I wish you and your mommie continued success and Love.