Monday, January 5, 2015

New Mom Needs To Love Child For Who She Will Be, Not What She Will Look Like

Dear Tazi:

I am a new Mom to a baby girl who, at three weeks old, already looks like a beauty queen!  Her big blue eyes would just melt your heart and I just know that she is the next Honey Boo Boo Child!  I cannot wait to start entering her in beauty pageants, but my husband – my baby’s father – has different ideas.  He has declared that under no circumstances will he allow me to waste our money on “that garbage”, nor will he allow me to force our child into a life of competition and princessery.  He wants to encourage her to develop her mind and be someone based upon her intelligence!  Tazi, my baby girl is only three weeks old!  We don’t even know if she is going to be intelligent, but I can tell that she is going to be a traffic stopper in the looks department!  What do you suggest I tell my husband to get him to understand that beauty pageants are our little girl’s ticket to success?  I have tried to find sponsors to pay for the pageant costs, but nobody has taken me up on the offer to sponsor Miss America 2033! 

Mama to a ‘Bama Beauty Queen

Dear Mama to a ‘Bama Beauty Queen:

I hate to burst your bubble (oh, who am I kidding?  This is one bubble I am excited to burst!), but at three weeks old most babies still have blue eyes and all of their Mamas think they are just the prettiest child on God’s green earth (the rest of the world tends to differ, though).

At less than one month old, your child is too young to be conscious of the pageantry and “princessery” that you seek to make her life, but as she gets older she may or may not embrace the plans you have for her.  Not every child is as receptive to beauty pageants and “Go Go Juice” as Little Miss Honey Boo Boo; some little girls prefer getting down and dirty in the mud to applying makeup and hair dye.

I can understand your new-Mom excitement, but you need to slow down and allow your daughter to develop at a slower pace.  If, in time, your daughter chooses to take part in the beauty pageants you so hope for that will be the time to try and get your husband to mellow on the subject, as well as the proper time to seek sponsorship to defray the costs associated with child beauty pageants.  Just don't take it overboard...please.

I realize that you do not yet know how high (or low) your daughter’s I.Q. will be when she grows up, but you also do not know what she will look like, either.  She may develop a thyroid problem, severe acne, or other physical traits that would exclude her from the winner’s podium in the cut-throat world of pageantry, where looks are everything.  Please do not link your child’s self-worth to physical beauty; no child deserves a fate like that.

No Snuggles For You,

 Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.


  1. hi
    nice posting this is good information for new mom.
