Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tazi Recommends: Coffee to Cocktails

Dear Readers:

I don't usually publish on a Sunday (unless it is a holiday) because that is my day to relax and catch up on my family time. There is nothing I like more than to sprawl out across the Sunday newspaper except for sprawling out across the Sunday newspaper while my humans are trying to read it! In order to make the Sunday paper more accessible to your cats, I have decided to start publishing a Sunday column called Tazi Recommends...

Every Sunday (except for holidays) I will recommend and review a blog that I find interesting and/or informative. I will give the link and author name(s); what the blog is about; and who the intended audience is. Today's inaugural entry is:
Coffee to Cocktails
by Misha from the Greater Philadelphia area

Coffee to Cocktails is a blog about being a Mom, a wife, an employee, and a friend - and all of the sub-roles each of those roles entails. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, and always enjoyable, Misha writes from the heart about her life in the suburbs and what it is like to try and be the Super Mom that all of the television sitcoms portray - and why it is humanly impossible to do so without a staff of twenty and the budget of a Kardashian.

This blog has a little something for all of middle-class America, not just Moms. Women will enjoy following Misha from her morning coffee to her weekend cocktail as they nod their head in agreement with what she has to say; men can find insight into what is going through those nodding heads for when the woman in their life seems angry with them for no apparent reason. This blog is not recommended for children or younger readers (meaning if teenagers still think your music is cool - or you are a teenager - you may want to take a pass on this one).

That's all for's time for my full-day Sunday nap!


P.S. This is my 100th column!! Who knew this little project would be so successful?


  1. i cannot tell you how honored I am Tazi. Thank you for such an awesome recommendation! You are the coolest cat I know...just don't tell my kitties Frank and Monkey. They might get a bit perturbed. xoxo ~Misha

  2. The honor was mine, Misha!! There are so many great blogs out there, but they get lost in the shuffle. I am glad that I could shine a spotlight on one of them!
