Monday, April 15, 2013

Repost: Tazi Recommends: Titanic Blog

Dear Readers:

With today being the 101st anniversary of the sinking of the "unsinkable" RMS Titanic, I thought I would recommend a blog that covers all things Titanic - from stories of survivors to current museum exhibitions on the history and artifacts of the ship.

Today, I suggest Americans put down your tax forms (because if you haven't completed them yet the stress has got to be killing you) and, along with everyone else, hop on over to

Titanic Blog
hosted by RMS Titanic, Inc.

I like this blog because it is a part of a complete, professional site dedicated to the memory and preservation of the RMS Titanic - which means you won't find any of those Hollywood inaccuracies that litter movies about the RMS Titanic (I am talking mostly to you, Mr. James Cameron; I expected better of you!).

Titanic Blog updates once a week, with stories of human interest - the survivors, it's ties to various cities or ports, and even the dogs that were on-board that fateful night. Also included are historical vignettes of the time, such as how the Coal Strike of 1912 increased the passenger list of the Titanic; stories of what it was really like during the sinking (described as "quiet and order", Mr. James Cameron, et al!); photos of the ship and its artifacts; and so much more. In fact, Titanic Blog is just that - titanic, with twenty pages (and growing!) of blog articles, with five or six articles per page; so this site is sure to have something to interest anyone - even those who have zero interest in the RMS Titanic.

In addition to blog entries, the site offers free accounts to its visitors, so you can sign in and participate in the chat and message board features. It is like a MySpace type site dedicated to the RMS Titanic, so those who are truly obsessed with the subject can find like-minded people - a total bonus for your friends/partner/family who may not share your obsession! I would suggest that you finish your taxes first, though, because this blog/site really does have it all!


Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.

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