Monday, September 15, 2014

Young Man Discovers That Making Money Does Not Bring Happiness

Dear Tazi:

I have the worst job on earth and I hate it. It’s a total McJob with no future and it barely pays the bills, but in this economy what hope does a young person have of making it? I graduated high school this past June and since I’m not going to college I’m working. I figured why spend money on more education when I could be paid to work? A college education is no guarantee of success.

Now that it is August all of my friends are packing up and moving away to college while I am stuck here mopping floors and emptying waste cans. I was reconsidering going to college until I saw the price tag. Tazi, one semester at a state school would cost me three months pay! Plus, I would have to quit working full time, so it would be costing me more than just tuition to go to college. What a scam!

I have considered joining the military, but even if I could pass the physical tests I am not sure it’s what I would want. I am afraid I would be sent overseas and killed. Even if I am not on the front lines, I could be in a truck that gets blown up by an IUD. I don’t have any job skills like carpentry or electrical work, and schools that teach that stuff are way expensive. I have asked around to see if anyone would train me, but nobody took me up on the idea. My future is looking pretty rough, Tazi old boy. What would you do if you were in my situation?


Dear Joe:

Not to dump on you any further, but it’s an IED – improvised explosive device – not an IUD, which is a form of birth control (intrauterine device). Since you are uncertain about the military and fear the thought of serving in a war zone, I discourage you from following this path.

You mention that you do not have any vocational job skills (carpentry, electrical, etc.) and that schools for these programs are “way expensive”. While this may be true, many community colleges offer certificate programs in these areas. A certificate is not a degree, so the only classes required would be the ones that are somehow connected to the trade you are learning, and most programs can be completed within 12 – 18 months. Many of these programs are designed to fit around a work schedule, too, so you would be able to continue working half-time or more, if not full-time, and financial aid is available, including grant monies (which, unlike student loans, do not need to be repaid). Is this something that might interest you?

It is obvious from your letter that you hate your job, see no future in it, and fear for your own future. For now, you must “suck it up” as R. Lee Ermey might say (only in more colorful language) and be grateful for the opportunity to earn your living – many Americans and Europeans have been out of work for an extended period of time, with the 18 – 25 year old population suffering through unemployment rates greater than 50%. Plus, you could have to deal with people like this guy.


Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.

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