Saturday, January 10, 2015

Realtor Has A Few Words For Homeowners In Foreclosure

Dear Tazi:

About a year ago I got my Realtor’s license and have been working mostly with banks to sell foreclosed homes. I realize that these houses were once somebody’s dream, and that they feel that the banks and finance companies took advantage of them to get them to sign on the dotted line, and that they are angry that the banks got a government bailout and not the American people; however, none of this is my fault.

I am a divorced Mom of two trying to make ends meet now that the alimony has ended. I chose this career because it allows me to work around my teenage sons busy schedules. When I walk into a foreclosed home, I never know what to expect but I have come to realize that the former homeowners think that somehow they are hurting the bank when they destroy the insides of the house. I have seen pipes torn out of walls, carpets torn up from floors, major appliances removed from the kitchen, and bodily fluids sprayed and smeared all over the house. I would like to address the foreclosed homeowners who would (and have) done such things.

Dear Former Homeowner:

I know you are angry that the bank has foreclosed on your home; but why destroy what was once your dream on your way out the door? If you think you are punishing the bank by leaving the house in deplorable, unsalable condition, think again. Many people will buy a house as-is for immense savings – up to 70% off of the assessed value of the house! If you think the bank is taking a loss by selling at this price, think again once more; the bank - or the private mortgage insurance company - will write off the loss on its taxes and the American taxpayer will be stuck footing the bill.

Was it really necessary to smear feces all over the walls? Did you think the bank President was going to come tour the house and see your handiwork? S/he did not. A building inspector was sent to assess the house, as well as any losses (such as that kitchen stove you took on your way out), and write up a report of what needs to be done. They, too, are just trying to make a living; and just so you know, dried feces do not smell, and after a while the shock value wears off. Dried menstrual fluid, on the other hand, is a biohazard – especially if you are carrying a blood-borne illness like Hepatitis C. You may think you are getting revenge on those who did you wrong, but you are not putting the loan officer who sold you your mortgage in any danger; it is the people who must come and do the clean-up that are at risk, the working stiffs just trying to get by in a janitorial job that nobody else would take.

I realize that it is too late for you to undo what you have done – and I must add, to the man who took laxatives and sprayed every wall in the house, well-played! I found the empty milk of magnesia bottles strewn around the house a nice touch; but as I was saying, it is too late for you to undo what you have done, so I hope to instill in you a sense of remorse and maybe a suggestion of how not to behave for those who may be in a foreclosure situation in the future. If you want to protest the banks join Operation Wall Street, don’t destroy bank-owned property because the chances of the bank ever being exposed to it are close to none.

Thank you, Tazi, for letting me blow off a little steam and to have my say on a broader platform than the office break room.

A Realtor

Dear A Realtor:

Thank you for your candid and enlightening letter. Here in my hometown a woman was once arrested and charged with vandalism after a former neighbor witnessed her smearing dog feces on the windows of an apartment from which she had been evicted. I am not certain what the laws are in your hometown, but if they are similar homeowners might want to be made aware that such intolerable behavior could land them in jail.


Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you...I love when my readers who are professionals in a ffield assist with the advice!
