Sunday, March 9, 2014

Repost: Tazi's Corner #54 - Bucket Lists

Dear Readers:

I have been thinking a lot lately about Bucket Lists. Being a rescue cat, my list is rather short:

#1 Find a family who will love and worship me for the amazing creature that I am. (Check!).
#2 Have lunch with Golden Girl and animal activist Betty White. (Still dreaming about this one…).

Cats love two people: the one who feeds us, and Betty White!

My Mommie, on the other hand, has had such a list since she was a child, aptly titled “Things To Do Before I Die”; since the Jack Nicholson/Morgan Freeman movie The Bucket List such lists have become quite popular and Mommie has hence renamed her list with that less morbid sounding title.

Unlike most Bucket Lists, Mommie has kept her list reasonable (for the most part). Her goal is to see and experience things that people always talk about seeing and doing but never actually occur. A few weeks ago, she saw a uniformed police officer in a doughnut shop – something she had never actually seen before, even though it is the oldest joke in the book – and she laughed as she told the officer she would be able to cross that item off of her Bucket List; the officer smiled and told her she needs to go to doughnut shops more often, because the old stereotype is not a fallacy – cops really do hang out in doughnut shops. Who knew?

Other items on Mommie’s Bucket list include wishing upon a shooting star (done!) and white water rafting in Maine (not done), as well as little, everyday things like spot an A-List celebrity eating lunch in Providence (a lot of celebrities and children of celebrities go to Brown University), and meet Family Guy creator SethMcFarlane in person (her brother has and she is soooooo envious, even if they did meet at a funeral!).

I believe the items on a person’s Bucket List are a representation of who they are. Are they practical? Are they a dreamer? Are they a practical dreamer? Some Bucket Lists reflect adventure while others are full of luxuries; some focus on physical challenge while others focus on obtaining material possessions; still others represent emotional fulfillment (Item #33 – adopt a Welsh corgi and name it Sapphire). 

Which brings me to the newly created Item #3 on my list:
Get rid of Sapphire!

I have often wondered if a Bucket List should be a list to actually accomplish or a list of things to strive to accomplish (shoot for the moon and end up among the stars) and have come to the conclusion that they should be a combination of both, as well as a combination of objective and subjective goals. While Mommie would love to spot Joe Pesci eating a Snickers bar (she loves that commercial) some would argue if he really qualifies as an A-List celebrity anymore; there is a whole generation that recognizes him not from Raging Bull but from Home Alone. This brings me to my next point…

Should Bucket Lists be something you share with another person? Think about it…your Bucket List is a list of the dreams you hope to fulfill before you pass from this life. How would you feel if someone laughed at those goals? Would you be able to resist laughing at items like #51: Get up and sing Little Bunny Foo Foo at the bar on karaoke night? (Done!). Why would such a ridiculous item even be on a Bucket List? To quote the late Mount Everest mountaineer George Mallory, because it’s there (seriously, check the song list…). Sometimes, the opportunity to be courageous presents itself in the strangest of ways.

What sort of things are on your Bucket List? Are they realistic, accomplish-able goals or pipe dreams? Are they the sort of goals that others would scoff at or support? Do you think they reveal a side of you that others don’t know or have never seen? (As I write this, my normally placid mannered Mommie is yammering on about how she accomplished Item #78 – Release my inner Joe Pesci on someone who richly deserves it!). If you would like, please share an item from your Bucket List in the comments section or on my Facebook page or Tweet me at @TaziKat, and let me know if you have accomplished it yet! And if Betty White is reading this…can we do lunch?


Ask Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.

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