Dear Tazi:
I live in the great state of Texas, may God forever continue
to bless Her, and I am faced with a conundrum (that’s a word from my SAT’s)
that even my independent Texas breeding cannot help me solve. I will admit that
I am too proud to ask for help from anyone I know, so I am writing to you to
seek your advice. Farm animals have a great deal of what where I come from we
call horse sense, and although a cat is not technically a farm animal unless
it’s a barn cat, you seem like a smart little critter.
One of the many amazing things about the state of Texas is
its terrific higher education system. It seems like every red-blooded American
wants to get into it, which is why Texas limits the number of non-Texan
admissions and, in order to please the affirmative action fanatics, accepts
every applicant who places in the top 10-percent of their high school class.
This way, we get a great cross-section of races because some school districts
have a lot of one race and others have a lot of another race and since each
race has its smart kids they are bound to end up at the top of their school
regardless of their race. I am one of those students.
I’ve grown up on a farm, which I suppose is to say I have
grown up poor although I never wanted for the best of what Texas and Mother
Nature have to offer. I know there is more out there than what farming can
offer and I see what that farm-girl Carrie Underwood has done and I want to do
more with my life, too. I knew I would not be able to afford college so I
worked hard to earn scholarships and I graduated at the top of my class! So now
you’re probably wanting to know what my problem is, huh?
I am afraid that I will make a dang fool of myself if I got
to college. I have been accepted to the University of Texas (the main campus in
Austin) and I have enough scholarship money to pay for my first year, but I am
afraid that my high school wasn’t one of the best in the state and that I will
shame myself and my family by making a fool out of myself by failing out of
No Texan has ever given in to their fears before and I will
not be the first one to do it, so I am going to go to college this fall. I was
hoping you might have some advice for me on how to do well and not flunk out
and embarrass myself and all that.
College Bound Cowgirl
Dear College Bound Cowgirl:
Your state pride is admirable and your desire to make your
state – and its citizens and your loved one’s – proud of you will take you far
in life. Personally, I think it is the desire to succeed at something that
pushes us towards success far more than our knowledge of how to do it.
Knowledge can be learned, but ambition is not something that can be taught!
Normally acceptance into college and high school class
standing are two things that you should be proud of, and they should give you
the confidence you need to move forward; however, if your school was not a good
one you are right to question the validity of these criteria. Your high school
must maintain certain standards to achieve state accreditation (required to
remain open and as a diploma-granting institution) so I am not worried about
the level of education you received. So long as you were in a college
preparatory program and earned a “B” average or better (without a scale in grading)
you should be fine going to college. If your grades or your standing were
somehow inflated – graded on a curve, taking non-college preparatory classes –
or your average was “C” level you may want to consider starting at a junior
college or community college close to home and then transferring to a four year
school once you have had some experience learning and working at the college
I run a spelling and grammar check on all of the letters I
print, and had to do quite a bit of fixing on your sentence structure, but this
could be because you used a colloquial form of writing. (Was “colloquial” one
of your SAT words?). Every college that I know of requires freshman students to
take a Writing class where they teach the importance of grammar and what is
expected of you in college writing, so I am not too worried about how you will
fare with the written word.
Can you guess which one is the freshman and which one is the senior? |
If you are having trouble in any of your classes, the most
important thing to do is to talk to the professor immediately; not after you have failed your first exam, but as soon
as you realize you are having trouble understanding the material. Professors
have office hours during which they are happy to meet with students! Many
colleges and universities also have free peer tutoring programs for enrolled
students. These programs can make the difference between failing and passing
and between passing and excelling!
Last of all, always buy the book for the class and keep up
with the assigned reading! Once you get settled into school, put together a
schedule allowing for free time, reading/study time, and anything else you need
to fit into it and then stick to that schedule. Half the battle of making it
through college is being disciplined enough to get all of your work done.
In the end, if you have done all you can do and discover
that college is not the best fit for you, hold your head high and know that
even The Alamo was lost after a long and arduous fight.
TaziAsk Tazi! is ghostwritten by a human with a Bachelors of Arts in Communications. Tazi-Kat is not really a talking feline.